The Unattainable / The Intimate

Stefani Byrd, Fernanda Navarro, and Juan David Rubio R.

Touch Responsive Immersive Audio and Video Environment


This interactive installation was a collaborative creation dealing with issues surrounding embodiment, intimacy in physical and digital spaces, haptic interaction, and mediated images. This work was created for the Immersive Lab, an artistic and technological research project of the Institute of Computer Music and Sound Technology at the Zurich University of the Arts. It is a media space that integrates panoramic video, surround audio with full touch interaction on the entire screen surface.

The Immersive Lab project, along with creators Jan Schacher and Daniel Bisig, visited UC San Diego for the Fall of 2015. Students and artists were invited to create new works that use the platform of the immersive lab and explore idea of touch, interaction, and immersion. This new interactive work, The Unattainable/The Intimate, was made in collaboration with composers Fernanda Navarro and Juan David Rubio R. and will become a part of the traveling repertoire a works for the Immersive Lab. Many, many thanks to the organizer of this event Katharina Rosenberger.